A real business plan is almost a "live" document.
It will be an actual plan of the business being contemplated, and should not only be able to be used
to verify the viability of a business operation but also to try various options
to further optimize those operations.
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a plan for moving forward |
Our over 30 years of work in writing business plans has seen us drafting plans that covered projects coming from individuals, established companies,
individual investors and investment groups, business accounting firms and partnerships.
The projects have ranged from start ups and expansions,
diversifications, financial resturcturing plans for troubled companies, and
developments of companies and divisions across quite a large operational and financial range.
Our work has covered a vast scope of business types with even recent projects including such diverse operations as:
- Luxury
Publishing Company
- Data
Center Construction Company
- Excavating
- Worldwide
YachtShare Club
- Payment Software Startup
- Forensic
Cleaning Company
- Renewable
Energy Transport Marketing Startup
- Electric
Yacht Manufacturing
- Defense Contractor
- Medical Manufacturing
- Organic
Food Store Startup
- Winery
Our ability to construct accurate and concise plans for a business operation is greatly enhanced by our experience in real world planning and instigation of operations within our own companies, and those of our partners and clients.
We set out to create the most accurate and useful financial forecasts based on provided information, input based
on factual running figures for a specific company model, and from our side input on optimum costs.
With a full set of accurate assumptions
listed, we can create a realistic financial plan for the operation
If funding is being sought we can use this forecasting to calculate closely to an actual figure for the real amount of funding required. This is important as bankers and investors are loath to provide funds when seeing financing estimates across too wide a
We are often retained to either create or review business plans and look deep into the actual mechanisms of the intended entity, whether start-up or existing, to ensure optimum feasibility for the planned venture.
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We were asked by the investors in a THC industry operation to review a business plan, created by the founder of the business, for which they were already preparing to release the funds.
Our work found several areas of potential improvement, one of which actually helped the company stay legal. Further research and input saw us completely rewriting the plan, based on suggested equipping and operating changes, and the accompanying revised forecasts. The new working methods were approved by both investors and the founder and the project went ahead with the amount needing to be invested having been reduced to just 11% of the calculated amount in the original plan.
In creating an accurate business plan, what is most important is ensuring all facets have been considered and all financial assumptions are correct before placing figures into a financial forecast.
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A plan requested of us by a father and son
team, both deeply involved in real estate, was intended to give a realistic view of a project to acquire an historic
building and repurpose it into affordably priced living units within a neighborhood.
Numerous favorable financial stimuli, credits, and partial
grants were available that made the project seem promising at first. But, after the work took place to gather pricing on all aspects, and financial assumptions were created
for the building on an operational basis, the forecast results showed it was financially unsustainable under even the most optimistic scenario.
We are often tasked with gauging the viability of a business, with a plan to show full potential. One project given to us was for a new payment system that we found had far larger a market than the founders first thought.
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One plan currently in construction came to us from a tech and software group that had an idea for a new payment system. They presented to us what they saw as the market for such a system, and asked us to provide a plan to prove feasibility.
During the research stage we actually found many more consumer groups that would likely use their system, and presented a report to the client to show what we thought was a realistic full potential for their idea. The plan is now being written based on this expanded scope of operations, with a potential marketplace estimated to be more than 100 times larger than first thought.
Call or e-mail, let us know of anything you'd like to see if we can work with you on. Or, stop by the offices for a coffee or wine.
3290 St. Croix Trail S.
Afton, Minnesota 55001
+1 612.840.1754